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PhD Position at Texas A&M University

One PhD position is available in the Computational Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab (C2BL) at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University for Spring/Summer 2025 entry.

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PhD Position at Texas A&M University

One PhD position is available in the Computational Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab (C2BL) at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University for Summer/Fall 2024 entry. The position will focus on cardiac imaging, inverse modeling, and machine learning. Candidates with a strong background in mechanics and computational modeling/programming and an interest in cardiovascular medicine are encouraged to send their CV to

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PhD Position at Texas A&M University

One PhD position is available in the Computational Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab (C2BL) at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University for Fall 2023 entry. The position will focus on cardiac imaging, inverse modeling, and machine learning.

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PhD Position at Texas A&M University

One PhD position is available in the Computational Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab (C2BL) at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University for Fall 2022 entry. The position will focus on cardiac imaging, inverse modeling, and machine learning.

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PhD Position at Texas A&M University

One PhD position is available in the Computational Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab (C2BL) at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University for Summer/Fall 2022 entry. The position will focus on cardiac imaging, inverse modeling, and machine learning.

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PhD Positions at Texas A&M University

Two PhD positions are available in the Computational Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab (C2BL) at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University for Spring 2022 entry. The positions will focus on cardiac imaging, inverse modeling, and machine learning. Candidates with a strong background in mechanics and computational modeling/programming and an interest in cardiovascular medicine are encouraged to send their CV to The Spring 2022 application deadline is July 1st.

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Postdoctoral position at Texas A&M University

One postdoctoral position is available in the Computational Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University. This position will focus on developing and using integrated computational-experimental models of cardiovascular function. Some representative research projects are described here:

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Postdoctoral and PhD positions at Texas A&M University

One postdoctoral and multiple PhD positions are available in the Computational Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab (C2BL) at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University. Please see the attached flyer for descriptions of some of the projects.

Interested candidates with a strong background in programming and computational modeling and sound knowledge of cardiovascular physiology are encouraged to apply. For PhD positions, please apply for the upcoming admission cycle as laid out here

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Call For Abstracts: USNC/TAM 2018 Symposium "Growth and Remodeling of Living Matter"

Dear Colleagues:

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to Symposium: Growth and Remodeling of Living Matter, as part of the 18th U.S. National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics  (USNCTAM 2018). The conference will be hosted by Northwestern University, at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare from June 5 to June 9, 2018.  

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Call For Abstracts: SES 2017 Symposium "Growth and Remodeling of Living Matter"

Dear Colleagues:

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to SymposiumGrowth and Remodeling of Living Matter, as part of the 54th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES 2017). The conference will be held at Northeastern University in Boston, MA on July 25-28, 2017.  

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The rheology of non-dilute dispersions of highly deformable viscoelastic particles in Newtonian fluids

Abstract: We present a model for the rheological behaviour of non-dilute suspensions of initially spherical viscoelastic particles in viscous fluids under uniform Stokes flow conditions. The particles are assumed to be neutrally buoyant Kelvin–Voigt solids undergoing time-dependent finite deformations and exhibiting generalized neo-Hookean behaviour in their purely elastic limit. We investigate the effects of the shape dynamics and constitutive properties of the viscoelastic particles on the macroscopic rheological behaviour of the suspensions.

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Constitutive modeling of hyperelastic solids reinforced by spheroidal particles under large deformations

This paper presents a homogenization-based constitutive model for the mechanical behavior of particle-reinforced elastomers with random microstructures subjected to finite deformations. The model is based on a recently developed homogenization method (Avazmohammadi and Ponte Castaneda 2013; J. Elasticity 112, 1828–1850) for two-phase, hyperelastic composites, and is able to directly account for the shape, orientation, and concentration of the particles.

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Effective behavior of porous elastomers containing aligned spheroidal voids


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Overall Mechanical Response of Particle-Reinforced Elastomers at Finite Strains

[img_assist|nid=15079|title=Elastomers Reinforced by Spherical Particles Under Different Loading Conditions|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=300|height=264]Abstract An approximate homogenization method is proposed and used to obtain estimates for the effective constitutive behavior and associated microstructure evolution in hyperelastic composites undergoing finite-strain deformations. The method yields a constitutive relation accounting for the evolution of characteristic features of the underlying microstructure in the composites, when subjected to large deformations.

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