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Qingda Yang's blog

Post-doc Position at Dept of MEA at University of Miami

We have a likely opening for a postdoctoral theorist to work with Dr. Qingda Yang (University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida) and Drs. Dave Marshall and Brian Cox (Teledyne Scientific Co LLC, Thousand Oaks, California).  The project involves development of advanced computational methods for simulating discrete damage evolution in composite materials and the application of simulations to the interpretation and analysis of experiments, including new high temperature mCT and image correlation experiments being conducted at UC Berkeley and UC Santa Barbara, respectively.

Good News for US Graduates/post docs: Travel Awards for student attendance in MS 5041 @ WCCM 2010 Sydney, Aus. July 19-23, 2010

The newly founded National Hypersonic Science Center -- Materials and Structures is to organize a minisymposium in this year's WCCM (2010) on VirtualTesting for Hybrid Hierarchical Materials for High TemperatureApplications. Please see the attachment for paper solicitation. We will greatly appreciate your consideration of submitting a paper to our symposium (minisymposium No. MS5041) 

post doc position in Dept of MAE at Univ. of Miami -- position filled

This position has been filled and many thanks to imechanica and those who helped in distributing the news ...


In Quest of Virtual Tests for Structural Composites

Listed below is a recent publication of mine in Science for your possible interest and critics. This is a review article focusing on the multiscale simulation issues in strucutral composites. I will be more than happy to discuss with those of you who are interested. The following is the abstract.

The difficult challenge of simulating diffuse and complex fracture patterns in tough structural composites is at last beginning to yield to conceptual and computational advances in fracture modeling. Contributing successes include the refinement of cohesive models of fracture and the formulation of hybrid stress-strain and traction-displacement models that combine continuum (spatially averaged) and discrete damage representations in a single calculation. Emerging hierarchical formulations add the potential of tracing the damage mechanisms down through all scales to the atomic. As the models near the fidelity required for their use as virtual experiments, opportunities arise for reducing the number of costly tests needed to certify safety and extending the design space to include material configurations that are too complex to certify by purely empirical methods.

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