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PhD Candidate Structural Mechanics

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The Institute of Structural Analysis at Leibniz Universität Hannover invites applications for a
Scientific coworker / PhD Candidate 
(Salary scale E13 TV-L) (reference number 62)

The position is available from now.  The appointment for this position is at first for a period of one year. An extension of the appointment period after the first year is planned. The work should lead to a PhD thesis.

Your tasks include contributions to teaching and research. The research topic deals with the vibration and strength/fatigue behavior of structural elements with regeneration induced imperfections and residual stresses, and in particular focuses on the behavior of gas turbine blades.
For a realistic simulation of the vibration and fatigue behavior, numerical approaches and models have to be developed, which include the operational conditions and the variation in the structural properties.
The project is carried out in the framework of the DFG Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 871, "Regeneration of Complex Capital Goods", in close collaboration with other renowned institutes of the Leibniz Universität Hannover. 

Applicants should have a diploma or masters degree in engineering or applied mathematics. A strong background in mechanics and numerical simulation is necessary. The Leibniz Universität Hannover aims, in particular, to promote women within the scope of the statutory provisions and, hence, emphatically invites qualified women to apply for this position. Severely disabled applicants will be given preferential consideration in the event of equal qualification. The University welcomes applications by researchers from abroad. Knowledge of the German language is a strong asset.

Contact Information
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. R. Rolfes (+49 511 762-3867, 
Please send your application with the usual documents and papers as soon as possible, ultimately by 28 February 2015 to

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. R. Rolfes
Institut für Statik und Dynamik
Appelstr. 9 A
30167 Hannover

or by email to Prof. Rolfes.


  May I know the CGPA and English / German language proficiency
criteria for this position. Further I would like to know the
scholarship/assistantship/remuneration for the position. For your kind
information I will be appearing for IELTS, forthcoming March.
       Do you mean to send the reference letters itself or giving the
contact details of referee are enough so that you will contact after
screening if required as the system in netherlands?. The tradition
followed in Netherlands works well here as for as concerned, since
referee is contacted only after screening a set of applications before
or after interview.

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