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     A new website has been initiated which surveys mechanics type failure criteria for homogeneous materials.  Although later additions will be concerned with anisotropic materials, the first topic of attention is that of yield and failure criteria for isotropic materials.  A brief review of  the Mises, Tresca, and Coulomb-Mohr criteria is given, along with the need for a more general form which spans the various  materials classes including metals, polymers and ceramics. Using results from the recent literature, a new two property failure form is discussed, including verification tests for the different materials types   Also given is an associated metric which specifies the stress state dependence of the ductile-brittle transition criterion, as well  as the associated plastic flow potential. This failure criterion approach for homogeneous materials is complementary to the discipline of fracture mechanics.  Both fields are vitally important and both reveal independent properties which must be determined in order to have a complete characterization of a materials capability.


Professor Christensen,

I think that will be a very interesting site and in fact a great deal of work in mechanics are dealing with failure or preventing failure to occur ever since the establish of mechanics as a scientific discipline. The term failure can mean at least three things for solids (1) yielding, (2) necking or instability or (3) fracture (sepration or debonding, etc.) For brittle material, they are coincident somehow. But for ductile metals, these are distinct properties. A comprehensive survey for the criteria will greatly benefit researchers in all subareas but of course could take a great deal of effort since so many modifications exist (some are more popular than others apparently). There are handbooks for material models and may serve as good references. 

S. Yip, Handbook of Materials Modeling (Hardcover), Spring 2005

J. LeMaitre, Handbook of Materials Behavior Models (3-Volume Set), Academic Press; 2001

I may missed some good ones and please continue the list.




   Thank you for the  comments.  First, with regard to reference sources, there certainly are many fine ones.  The two you mention are excellent.  It would indeed be helpful if other people share their views on good sources for materials modeling with respect to failure.  In my website on failure criteria I am not doing a broad literature survey.  That would be far more involved than is possible there.  Rather, I am focusing upon the mechanics basis for a few well grounded failure criteria, applicable to particular materials forms in particular failure scenarios.


   With regard to specific failure mechanisms, there are many possibilities.  Two of the  three mechanisms that you mention are explicitly present in the isotropic model in the website.  I  believe the third one (localization) is also there, but on an implicit basis.  On a small enough scale, there is a competition between different failure mechanisms for surpremecy.  The one that "wins" shows up on the macroscopic scale.  This no  doubt is something of an over-simplification but I hope it at least conveys the motivational framework.  For any specific details I must refer back to the website and through that to the papers behind it.


   I would like to add that the apparent reason why progress on modeling failure criteria may seem so slow compared with other branches of mechanics is because it is so very complex.  But a little perspective on the subject suggests that there has been more progress in modeling failure in the past 30 or 40 years than in the previous  200 or 300 years of mechanics history.  It is up to the members of iMechanica (and a few others) to keep this going.





Dear Professor Christensen,

Your pointing out that the kind of failure criteria you discuss are complementary to the discipline of fracture mechanics was helpful. In this context, I wish to recall that some time back, in a thread started by Dhruv Bhate (here), we had discussed K, J, and Sih's strain energy density criteria. (In that thread, among other things, I had also sketchily proposed the distortional strain energy density as a new criterion; paper yet to be written). In the context of such discussions, your above observation is very helpful in that we need to avoid any rationalistic streak to insist that only one criterion be able to subsume all the relevant empirical observations.

While on this topic of the prominent theories of failure and fracture throughout history, may I also invite your attention to another thread here. The number of opinions expressed on that thread would seem woefully small as compared with the sheer number of hits that the same thread has received. Apparently, the question there interests many people, but there is something confusing about that issue, and therefore, they are unable to make a choice. (Or may be, some other kind of reasons.) An opinion from a senior researcher like you would naturally carry something of a broad perspective, and hence, would be valuable to have there. Thanks in advance.





    Thank you very much for opening up this rich source of discussion.  I couldn’t agree more, there is no universal, all encompassing, single theoretical methodology for treating failure in materials.  For me, the first dividing line is between treating failure in an idealization of homogeneous materials under homogeneous stress fields, versus treating failure in an idealization of a homogeneous material in the presence of a specific defect, and necessarily under non-homogeneous stress.  The defect is usually but not necessarily of a size scale larger than the characteristic length dimension implicit in the concept of the homogenization.  Once past this dividing line there  could be many more dividing lines for treating various types of failure conditions.


    Does this mean that  we should give up on seeking generality in our methods and approaches?  I don’t think so, but it should be recognized that there can  be a fine line between seeking legitimate generality and merely stretching it beyond all physical realism.  This is exactly the problem I was up against in trying to develop a failure  criterion which would have the Mises form as a limiting case, but still have the power and versatility to include the very different behaviors involved with polymers and ceramics.  By the way, in going to the range of ceramics, which can  be dominated by brittle  behavior, fracture mechanics still was a  strongly guiding influence to me even though the formal methodology involved is certainly not that of fracture mechanics. If nothing else, this is an example of cross fertilization between fields.


    Now let me get to the discussion of Sih’s strain energy density concept in fracture mechanics.  I need to be careful here  because my website is about failure criteria, not fracture mechanics.  Still, there are some related considerations between the two cases.  Knowing that the Mises criterion is also that of critical distortional energy density, it was attractive for me  to try to find a more general energy based form that would cover the other materials classes besides just that of very ductile metals. In this case of failure criteria, that turned out to not be possible.  The failure criterion that I derived and tested necessarily involves the dilatational stress invariant in linear form, not in an energy like quadratic form.  There was no way to avoid this occurrence and as a result, energy has no significant meaning  in this failure criterion.  I discussed this in the first (1997) paper mentioned in the website.  For this reason and others, I would doubt that strain energy has a special role to play in fracture mechanics or in failure in general.


    Strain energy is a key effect in constitutive equations and variational formulations, but not likely so in failure.  Failure characterization, it seems to me, is a stand alone discipline parallel with constitutive equations, but completely independent of it.  Just as there are many different constitutive forms so too there necessarily are different failure forms for different  classes of behavior.

   I hope this may help.  Needless to say, its all still developing and still wide open.





Dear Sir,

Your reply made for an interesting reading.

1. It has been very hard for the fracture research community to find common grounds to establish the correspondence of mathematical theory and physical reality. IMHO, the appropriate distinguishing point for the first dividing line you seek would not be so much the presence and absence of a defect, but one of applicability on the global (specimen) level of a *singular* stress field. The uniformity or non-uniformity of the stress field is a non-essential here.

2. I am not at all surprised that fracture mechanics ideas would be found useful in ceramics. After all, the discipline began its life with analysis of glass rods, right? If there was any cross-fertilization involved, it was in trying to apply the ideas of the brittle fracture to plastic materials such as metals. 



     Referring to my "dividing line" description in the previous discussion, I must admit I was thinking more in terms of applications, rather than strict guidelines for discipline development.  As you said, in the latter case a quite different dividing line might well emerge rather than what I mentioned.  I might just add that my background interest in applications is almost the entire reason for constructing this website.  Stress analysis by itself is extremely highly developed.  What any of us do with these stresses in particular applications is the problem.


     On the topic of a homogeneous material  failure criterion for ceramics as being connected with fracture mechanics, I did not and still do not find the connection to be obvious.  Ceramics, when viewed as a homogeneous material under uniform stress, do not fall into any of the standard fracture mechanics classifications.  The help that fracture mechanics supplied to me in this situation was much more subtle.


     Now, referring to your earlier comments, with my intention to respond to your first thread, I neglected to respond to your second.  The question of designating fracture mechanics units by some preferred name is interesting.  My view on this is very simple, I'm in favor of it.  While Griffith supplied the conceptual breakthrough, it was Irwin who opened the door to the methods and forms in modern usage.  Either name would be eminently suitable.  By the way, I do not see any problem in taking a poll on this so long as the respondents are qualified practitioners, as they most certainly would be in iMechanica.




I agree with you that energy form of failure (let us be precise - fracture or breaking here) is very limited, probably cannot be extended beyond certain type of materials and/or load conditions. This is especially true in ductile fracture, the energy density at a material point upon fracture is a strong function of both I1 (mean stress or pressure) and J3 (in either cubic form or represented as an angle on an octahedral plane). I recently discussed this in this paper . Therefore, there does not seem to me exist a constant energy that can characterize the fracture behavior of ductile material unless you restrict yourself to certain load condition and calibrate and apply that number to such condition. 

Secondly, in my view, discribing fracture of materials (both brittle and ductile) by a set of constutive equations is viable and is highly sought by many researchers. There is a strong driving force behind this - not only the human nature for a sound physical understanding and also the industrial simualtion needs. As I see there are multiple directions that have been taken right now and we are yet to see where will we go in the next 5 to 10 years.



I have not yet read your paper (too busy with something else to find time for iMechanica---I've been stealing some), but a few points occur to me from your reply here and the post at node # 647.

Firstly, there *is* an envelop in the principal stress space corresponding to each of the traditional criteria (including those based on the strain energy density) exactly like what you describe in your approach. Given this fact, I am curious how you derive the conclusion: "Therefore, there does not seem to me [to] exist a constant energy that can characterize..."

Secondly, doesn't your or any other generalized criterion also more or less remain restricted only over that range or class of materials and loading conditions over which it was formulated and tested/calibrated? If so, why make it appear as if the strain energy based criteria can be singled out on this particular account?


In my previous reply, the reason I stated for my less favorableness in energy method is that the energy itself does not hold *constant* at the onset of frature on all possible plastic loading paths. However, I think it might be doable if you use a *weighted* form of energy. The weighting function is the key here. I will be glad to see movements in this direction as well as others. 

In my paper I mentioned above, the main idea is that framework on describing ductile damage. There are many models developed over the past century. Some attracted a lot of attentions. But there does not seem to exist a uniform way (not even close) of these models/theories. My work was to use the same technology in plasticity to describe plasticity induced damage. And I see from my own experiences that this seems to be a shortcut in understanding various features observed in ductile fracture experiments. This framework is expandable - I haven't seen a definite limitation using this type of method.

I hope this helps.




    Although we are coming at this from very different directions, we are arriving at the same conclusion. Namely that strain energy in its various forms is not suitable as a failure criterion.  Actually, this has been known for a very long time, but it gets rediscovered periodically.


    On the other matter, I distinguished failure criteria from constitutive equations, while you view them jointly as part of the overall constitutive behavior.  I think these differences pertain to the level and nature of the two mechanics idealizations and not to a fundamental, physical divergence.  We all are striving to understand and characterize the load bearing capability of materials over the useful range in which they can be employed.  My characterization is just the convenient  and common idealization of the actual behavior. The obvious example is the case of ductile metals idealized as perfectly elastic behavior up until termination in accordance with the Mises  criterion (or equivalent).  In reality, both elastic deformation and irreversible dislocation flow begin with the very first small increment of load and the dislocation flow accelerates thereafter with increasing load up until ultimate rupture.


    I agree with you that in the next few years there likely will be some convergence to a general and common  understanding on these matters.  It should be an exciting and productive time.  All of us are lucky to be a small part of it.



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respected professor rechard

i am persuing my M-TECH.

I am doing my project based on thermoelastci analysis of FRP composite cylinder laminate with metal liner.

i need ur help on FEM(3D) analysis n matrix cracking...its very argent

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