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My research work

I use this blog entry to upload my research work, then I have links for my publications in my resume. Otherwise, I don't have any links for my preprints.

If people can upload any files without writing a blog entry, that will be great.

PDF icon p181B 01 09 2006 zhang.pdf333.76 KB
Office presentation icon MRS2003Fall.ppt224.5 KB
Office presentation icon MRS2004 v5.ppt1.25 MB


Zhigang Suo's picture

Give people some idea about the work, so they have a reason to download.  Also, a little text will help the search engine to find the paper.

I uploaded my resume in my profile, so I wanted to make some links to my work, but I cannot upload attachment there. Hence, I upload in my blog and make links for my resume.

I will write more about the work in my blog. That's a separate work to do.

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