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Tsai-Wu criteria on ANSYS

Hello everyone.

I'm trying to apply the Tsai-Wu criteria to a composite plate in ANSYS. I'm using the SHELL99 element.

However, when I input the data for the criteria an error occours and ANSYS won't show me any results on the criteria.

Can someone help me? How do I use this criteria and what data should I use?

Thanks in advance 


I think I had the same problem when I tried to do someting similar last week...


Could anyone give some help?


Filipe_pedro, in the mean time if you discover how to do it, share here...




Well, I think I solved the problem. The thing was, I only had the 2-dimensional limit stresses of the material (XL, XT, SLT). ANSYS needs all the stresses to calculate a solution (it calculates de 3-dimensional result). So, I had to arbitrate the other values, namely, I considered XZ=XT and SLZ=STZ=SLT, which is a reasonable aproximation, I belive.

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