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Post-doctoral Fellowship Available

Robert Gracie's picture

A postdoctoral fellow (PDF) is sought to develop novel simulation methods for carbon sequestration problems. Working within the Earth Sciences and Civil & Environmental Engineering departments at the University of Waterloo, this position will be part of a wider multi-university research program on the risk assessment and management of carbon capture and storage in a Canadian context.   The initial contract for the position will be for one year, with the potential for an extension up to three years.

The qualified applicant will have a proven background in development of numerical methods and simulations codes based on the finite element method.  They will have a proven publication record. Experience with Matlab, FORTRAN and/or C/C++ is a must.  Experience with the eXtended or Generalized Finite Element Method (XFEM/GFEM), two phase flow in geological formations and/or uncertainty analysis will be beneficial. Applications must include: a cover letter giving a brief description of the Applicant’s interest in the position and qualifications, a curriculum vitae and a list of references. Applications are to be sent to Dr. R. Gracie at

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