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Robert Gracie's blog

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Post-doctoral Fellowship Available

A postdoctoral fellow (PDF) is sought to develop novel simulation methods for carbon sequestration problems. Working within the Earth Sciences and Civil & Environmental Engineering departments at the University of Waterloo, this position will be part of a wider multi-university research program on the risk assessment and management of carbon capture and storage in a Canadian context.   The initial contract for the position will be for one year, with the potential for an extension up to three years.

Robert Gracie's picture

Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research into the Mechanics of Magnesium Alloys

A postdoctoral fellow is sought to study the mechanics of magnesium alloys at the University of Waterloo, Canada, under the guidance of Dr. Worswick and Dr. Gracie. The qualified applicant will have a proven background in computational mechanics, substantiated by publications in international journals.  Preference will be given to candidates with experience coding large deformation plasticity models, coding the finite element method and with using fracture mechanics.  In addition, experience with high strain rate testing of materials is desirable.

Robert Gracie's picture

Post-Doctoral Fellowships with Dr. T. Belytschko at Northwestern University

We are no longer accepting applications for these positions.  Qualified applicants will be contacted in the near future.  

Thank you for your interest,

 Robert Gracie 


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2007 NSF Summer Institute on Nano Mechanics and Materials

Please find below the announcement for the NSF Summer Institute on Nano Mechanics and Materials:

Robert Gracie's picture

A new finite element method for dislocations based on interior discontinuities

Comments and feedback of the following paper would be appreciated.


A new technique for the modelling of multiple dislocations based on introducing interior discontinuities is presented. In contrast to existing methods, the superposition of infinite domain solutions is avoided; interior discontinuities are specified on the dislocation slip surfaces and the resulting boundary value problem is solved by a finite element method. The accuracy of the proposed method is verified and its efficiency for multi-dislocation problems is illustrated. Bounded core energies are incorporated into the method through regularization of the discontinuities at their edges. Though the method is applied to edge dislocations here, its extension to other types of dislocations is straightforward.

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