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Post-Doc Positions in Computational Materials: Oxidation of HT ceramics


We are seeking a post-doctoral researcher to pursue computational studies of high-temperature ceramics. The activity is supported within the National Hypersonic Science Center (NHSC), Materials and Structures, funded by NASA and AFOSR. The project work focuses on modeling diffusion and oxidation processes at the atomistic scale. The candidate will have well-developed computational skills and a strong background in materials modeling and simulation using DFT methods. Additional experience in areas such as kinetic Monte-Carlo or thermal transport are a plus. Good written and spoken communication skills are expected.


Within the NHSC, occasional collocation of fellows to other sites to maintain strong interactions will be encouraged and may be required. The position is available immediately and is initially for one year, with extension possible. For further information, please contact Dr. Peter Kroll ( Potential applicants should send a 1-2 page CV, clearly indicate in 300 words how their experience will contribute to the described effort, and include contact information of 3 references to start the application process.



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