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Submit an abstract for IMECE-2012 sympoisum "Multiscale Perspectives on Plasticity in Metals"

Jonathan Zimmerman's picture

My co-organizers and I invite you to submit an abstract to the upcoming symposium “Multiscale Perspectives on Plasticity in Metals” at the ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), to be held November 9-15, 2012 in Houston, Texas. This symposium will explore the unique challenges to understanding plastic deformation in metals and formulating material models that can accurately predict thermo-mechanical deformation. Presentations will cover experimental and modeling investigations of the physical mechanisms that control plasticbehavior in metals, and insight gained on incorporating these mechanisms into high-fidelity models and simulations. Of particular interest are efforts that connect nano, micro, and macroscopic scales of experimental observation and model construction to gain a true multiscale perspective onplastic deformation. More information on this symposium can  be found at
This symposium has been designated as Topic 9-38 of the Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids Track (Track 9) for this conference. Abstracts can be submitted at
Please note that abstracts are due by Monday, February 27, 2012.
Thank you,
Jonathan A. Zimmerman (Sandia National Laboratories)
John L. Bassani (University of Pennsylvania)
Scott X. Mao (University of Pittsburgh)

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