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Wave propagation simulation in ANSYS


I am trying to simulate wave propagation in ANSYS for the following model,

Model size = 1e-6 m x 1e-6 m

I am using plane 182 elements with plane strain option. The material properties are E = 74 GPa, Poisson's ratio = 0.1 and density = 2530 kg/m3.

The model is constrained completely at the base. I am applying a modulated sinusoidal burst (450 GHz) at the top left node of my model. The impulse duration is 1e-11 secs. The total simulation time is 1e-9 secs. The time step I am using is 1e-12 secs. I am using 100 elements along the length and width of the model. Thus my element size is 1e-8 m.

When I run the simulation with the above parameters I don't see any waves. I only see my input function at all the nodes in my model but with varying amplitudes during the duration of my impulse. After impulse, I dont see any wave propagation, the displacement curve (both 'y' displacement and 'x' displacement) goes flat for all the nodes.

I am not able to figure out where I might be going wrong, any help would really appreciated. I can give any additional information of my model and the code that I am using if needed. Thank you.

-Deepak Patil



 The reason you did not see any wave mayeb that the wave length is too small (smaller than element size) or too big (bigger than the model size), you may want to firstly calcualte the wave length according to the frequency and wave speed.

Another issue is that you should assume the units carefully, if you are using um, then the E has unit of MPa.

Wish this could help you.

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