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Thanks alot, you gave a big favor to me and I appreciated that.

So I have to define all tensor component individually as sate variables alike before I did and then I defien the number of state variables in DEPVAR option as well as user material constants. I have done it. Then as you told all the state variables must be shown in field output? you mean when we define state variables and update it then we can observe the SDVs at the visualization modul\odb field output or it will save in a separate file???

sorry I have another question and it is that I can't open the .RES file which is produced during compiling, in the other word I can open it by Notepad but all the characters are obsecure like machine language. how can I acsess to the .RES file?

I am so gratefull of you



brunda's picture

You can view the sdvs in the odb file. But you should write them to odb file similar to say other output variables like S, RF etc.

Just include the following in your input file:

*Element Output


(here S is the stress and SDV is the solution dependent variable)


I  dont know about the .res file.. Why do you need to access .res file? You can restart the analysis without opening the file. I am sorry if I am off the mark.

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