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Defenition of thermal convection coefficient at ABAQUS

Dear all,

Please kindly some one explain how could we define thermal convection coeficient at ABAQUS, if possible?

Do we need to define it at interaction modulus?



wrinkling at abaqus

Dear all 

Please kindly explain how can we introduce wrinkling at abaqus and subsequently

how can we observed wrinkled model at abaqus?



Izod Impact Strength in ABAQUS

Dear all,


I'm inquiring how could we define Izod impact strength as input value in abaqus?

is it necessary to define it for impact simulation or not?


Thanks all




Dear all receivers,

Please inform someone me that, if we can obtain Campbell diagram (rotor dynamic) by Abaqus or we just can do that by Ansys or Nastran??

Please let me know,



Mechanical properties of fibers and matrix in composites

Dear All

 How can I access to the mechanical properties of fibers and matrix in composites separetly?

The considered mechanical properties include E, G, density and v respectively for both fibers and matrix separetly.



Composite simulation

Dear All

 How can I simulate a composite plate with different thickness in ABAQUS?

Suppose that we have a plate wiche is going to be modeled with 5 layers. On the other hand, considered plate has different thickness, i.e. 3 mm one side and other side 6 mm

is there any problem if we model the plate in 3D format and then stacking layers in Composite model in ABAQUS??




I beg your pordone  if post the comments sequentially.

 My mean was that if i want to define it in the subroutine, is it true??? 




Pordon me if i couldn't reach my intention correctly. 

You know that I have the functional dependence. For every elastic plastic property I have its termal function.

for example:

E=E(T), NU=NU(T), Syield=Syield(T).

But my question is that is it correct to define:


and then

write Those function as props 

Props(1)=E(T), etc.

or I ought to dedine the properties at several temprature separately and then define the strains and stresses respectively??

for example:

at T=T0


Dear ALL

I have this PDF and I have some information at this coding but have not information about the temprature dependent material properties.

what can I do??

sorry for that

For example see this function:

E(T)=E0*T^2+A*T+ ....

What can I define this type of Function?? 

Is my statement true? Can I do alike nonisotermal behaviour of the material???

 Please help me 

 Thanks so much



Dear All redears

Thanks for helping me about the defenition of solution dipendent satet variables.

I have another question and is that what can I do, if I want to define temperature dependent material propertiies at UMAT?

is it true to define temprature as a propertiy at the start and end od incerement and compute the propertiy at both cases?? I mean at end and start of it??

To clear the propblem for example i have this type of material peroperty:

E=E(T), NU=NU(T)

for example E and Nu are function of temprature.


Thanks alot, you gave a big favor to me and I appreciated that.

So I have to define all tensor component individually as sate variables alike before I did and then I defien the number of state variables in DEPVAR option as well as user material constants. I have done it. Then as you told all the state variables must be shown in field output? you mean when we define state variables and update it then we can observe the SDVs at the visualization modul\odb field output or it will save in a separate file???


I see what you mean and I think your intention is that if we use user subroutine we can not observe the plastic starin in it specialy when we use VUMAT????

onther is that i define peeq and plastic starin as well as incerement of plastic starin as sate variables but you mean when we define it we can get the result in the field put???? but i couldn't get it. If the answer is no so where the state variables which define at routine b stored and how can i reach it??


Dear All

I have writed a elastoplastic VUMAT to analyse a model in abaqus explisit code but after the analysis was finished, i can not observe the plastic strain conutors in it, in the onther word there is not PE option at odb field output. I rewuest you to give a favor to me. I am confused


ABAQUS User Material Definition



I am writing elastoplastic vumat
with abaqus commercial code. I thoroughly am expert at the definition of
constitutive equation but have a problem with the commands of the VUMAT.

example I have a problem with the definition of material properties such as
expansion, conductivity, coefficient of n and k at power law hardening and ….

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