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Lecturer Position in Mechanical Engineering at Brown University

David Henann's picture


Brown University’s School of Engineering (SOE) is seeking applicants for a position at the rank of Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in the area of Mechanical Engineering. The position will be available from the spring semester of 2025 and involves teaching up to four undergraduate courses per year and advising undergraduate engineering concentrators. This position is part of the SOE's re-envisioning of the first-year engineering experience with a particular emphasis on providing an engaging yet rigorous grounding for the upper-level curriculum. As such, a successful candidate will be a dynamic educator with a passion for crafting and delivering key components of the first-year curriculum. Additionally, a successful candidate will teach throughout the Mechanical Engineering undergraduate curriculum, based on their expertise and SOE needs, and contribute to academic and research advising of undergraduate Mechanical Engineering concentrators.

The SOE seeks candidates who will contribute to its overall intellectual culture. Lecturers are voting members of the Brown faculty, are included in faculty meetings, advise undergraduate research projects, and may conduct in graduate research in collaboration with SOE faculty. Lecturers with substantial research participation and supporting funds will be eligible for periodic course release. The SOE values teaching and educational innovation and, thus, welcomes candidates interested in formal research of education pedagogy in the context of teaching engineers. The SOE is committed to diversity and inclusion, which is reflected in numerous activities both within and beyond the scope of our courses.


The position is expected to start January 1, 2025. In selecting candidates, we will consider quality of teaching, evidence of effective teaching, enthusiasm for first-year engineering education, commitment to diversity and inclusion, and compatibility with the area needs and interests of the SOE, as well as potential for effective participation in school or university activities. For all applicants, we will consider potential for impact beyond Brown (through teaching, advising, outreach, research, and other professional activities, as appropriate for the candidate). Applicants must have a Ph.D. by the start of the position, and a few years’ experience would be considered favorably. Applicants must submit a CV, a teaching statement, and a statement describing other significant professional activities beyond classroom instruction (e.g., research, training, and work experience). Candidates must also arrange for at least three letters of reference to be submitted through the application website.

Application Instructions

To apply, please use Interfolio Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Inquiries may be addressed to

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