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Thermal contact in CEL for Abaqus

Hello All!

I am doing a CEL simulation involving heat transfer in
Abaqus. The assembly and meshing can be visualised in the figure
attached. The lagrangian Part is a rigid ring (can be seen on the right
side). The Eulerian material is modelled as a fluid with EOS and
viscosity. The Eulerian domain is partitioned, so that it exactly
conforms to the roll geometry. The mesh is quite fine, so that there is
no leakage of the material. A 
gravity load is applied to the whole
model. The ring is fixed to prevent translation, but it rotates with a
fixed angular velocity in anticlockwise 
direction. The inteface
interactions are, "general explicit -> surface pairs (eulerian
material - ring external surface)", "interaction properties
tangential=rough, thermal=pressure dependent conductance (value 0
at 0 pascals, and 6000 at 0.001 pascals). The eulerian material inflows
at a specified 
speed in the Eulerian domain, from top left (horizontal

The problem I am facing is that there is insufficcient
thermal contact. By visualizing CPress output (for Lagrangian Ring's
extrnal contact surface with the 

Eulerian material), it seems like
that the contact pressure is greater then 0 at only few locations along
the interface.  Also, it was found that the 
pressure drops to negative
in many parts inside the Eulerian material (Stress output ->
Pressure). Abaqus provides only the possibility of using Pressure
dependent thermal conductance behaviour at the Eulerian-Lagrangian
interface .. therefore I was not able to use the Gap dependent thermal
conductace to solve this problem. I tried using Geostatic pressure, but
the problem persists.

The best contact conditions seems to be
realized when I prevent any rotation of the ring (based on CPress output
for the Ring) ..but even then it was far 

from perfect. Also, stopping the ring rotation is not the realsitic situation.

the thermal interaction capability for CEL is relatively new in
Abaqus,I was not able to find suitable examples online. I will be
grateful if someone can 

advise me on this.

Thanks and Regards,

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