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Assistant Professor Position in Mechanical Engineering at University of Cincinnati
The Mechanical Engineering program of the School of Dynamic Systems at the University of Cincinnati invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position. The position is available as early as in fall 2013. Candidates for this position should hold (by the time of employment) an earned doctoral degree in mechanical engineering or a closely related engineering field. The successful candidate is expected to build a strong funded research program, publish in archival journals, advise graduate students, and teach both undergraduate and graduate courses in mechanical engineering.
The Mechanical Engineering program is in need of candidates who are able to, as evidenced by training and experience, develop collaborative research in the broad interdisciplinary areas of mechanics, materials and manufacturing. Specifically, the candidates should have experience in conducting research in multi-scale modeling of advanced materials, computational mechanics for materials and structures in extreme environments, or advanced technology in fabrication and manufacturing of new materials.
The School of Dynamic Systems hosts the Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Technology Programs. Faculties conduct research in structural dynamics, acoustics, control, nanomaterials, computational mechanics, biomechanics, thermal and fluid mechanics, intelligent maintenance, manufacturing and others. More information about the school and the ME program can be found at the website:
The University of Cincinnati is an ADVANCE institution, with an NSF Institutional Transformation award to increase the participation and advancement of women in STEM academic careers, and provide support throughout all phases of their career development.
Applicants should submit the following materials: (1) a complete curriculum vita, (2) names, affiliations, and contact information (phone numbers and e-mail addresses) of three references, (3) a statement of research and teaching plans, and (4) copies of three representative publications in pdf (or a link to the source if the file size is too large to be uploaded to the job website). Applicants should apply and submit all these materials online at:
Screening will start on April 10, 2013 and will continue until the position is filled.
The University of Cincinnati is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities, disabled persons, and disabled veterans are encouraged to apply. Please address correspondence to: Professor Yijun Liu (, Chair, Faculty Search Committee, School of Dynamic Systems, 598 Rhodes Hall, P.O. Box 210072, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0072.
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