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Best Strategy and Resources for learning Non Linear Continuum Mechanics for Material Scientists

Hello All,

I am a materials engineer by qualification. I have undergone basic course on Mechanical Metallurgy which had basic chapters on Theory of Elasticity and Theory of Plasticity. I am interested to learn Non-Linear Continuum Mechanics to the extent that I am able to write CPFEM UMAT. I am working on my own.  I would request all the experts here to kindly suggest me the strategy (what all topics to be read and in what order) and resources (Video Lectures or books , considering the fact I am a beginner) needed to learn Non Linear Continuum Mechanics so that i may be able to atleast appreciate and then write a CPFEM UMAT?





written precisely in this spirit (continuum mechanics for finite elements):

Bonet and Wood, Nonlinear continuum mechanics for finite element analysis;

Belytchko et al, Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures; 

Souza Neto et al, Computational Methods for Plasticity. 

In addition, you may want to decide what's best for your model: Eulerian or Lagrangian approach. Currently, the latter seems to be the most prominent, probably due to the success of the Kalidindi-Anand-Kothari integration scheme (see their papers in J. Mech. Phys. Solids and elsewhere).

Good luck !  

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