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Question and suggestion about RSS of iMechanica

I subscribed to the RSS of iMechanica and somebody’s blog in my RSS reader--netvibes. But it feed me a little. Today’s hot topic is Huang’s “from students’ perspective”, and lots of comments follow and will continue to follow tomorrow or the days after tomorrow. When I check my netvibes, it only tells me new topics, but not new comments. But actually, sometimes we want to track the update of several specific topics instead of browsing every topic. Moreover, someone posts new comments on some topics, but I cannot obtain the feed of comments from him/her. So if iMechanica can supply feed for the topics and for all of the updated posts of users, it will be very useful. It improves the efficiency and it is the gist of RSS.

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I have not found a RSS feed for comments in iMech. We'll try more, and perhaps install one. Meanwhile, there is a powerful software You can use it to track comments on any post you select on any blog, not just blogs in iMech. You can also subsribe to comments using co.mments. I learned about this software from Robbin Steif some time ago, and have been using it ever since. It woks like a charm.

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