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Master/Ph.D position available in Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M

A Ph.D. position is available at Texas A&M University in the Aerospace department to work on the Coupling between a microstructure-sensitive model and a phase-field model to predict the mechanical behavior/damage of a bi-phased materials: Application to Ni-based single crystal superalloy. More information are in the attached file.

The candidate should have obtained a Bachelor’s or a Master's degree with a strong background in materials science, mechanical engineering or any related field. A strong interest for computational mechanics is expected from the successful candidate.

An admissible application should include a detailed CV of the candidate, a full list of publications (if the candidate has), a cover letter, and grade transcripts from prior education (BSc and MSc, or equivalent).

Applications should be sent via e-mail to J.-B. le Graverend (jbriaclg@caltech.eduand the email title has to include "PhD position on Phase-Field and Crystal Plasticity Modeling"

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