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Obtaining Contact Results in ABAQUS Subroutine

I just found a utility routine in ABAQUS (GETVRMAVGATNODE) functioned to obtain contact information (e.g. contact pressure) detailed as follows:

'A second illustration is relevant to the modeling of wear with UMESHMOTION. Consider a case where JELEMLIST is obtained from GETNODETOELEMCONN and where the identifier CSTRESS is specified. If NODE is associated with a contact pair slave surface, JELEMLIST will contain the internal element identifier for the contact element associated with the slave node pairing. ARRAY will be returned with the individual contact stress components CPRESS, CSHEAR1, and CSHEAR2. Similarly, if CDISP is specified, ARRAY will be returned with the individual contact stress components CDISP, CSLIP1, and CSLIP2.'

Did anyone have the experience on using this subroutine. I am just wondering whether I can use this subroutine as a dummy routine to get the contact pressure (CPRESS) and where these stress components (e.g. CPRESS) are stored within this subroutine.

Many thanks in advance!

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