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Abaqus user element
Fri, 2007-09-21 09:05 - arunsen
I am working on finite element formulation of thermopiezoelectric shell element. i want to incorporate it in Abaqus software as a project work. i would like to know how to add the new element in can i add? Pls do help
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I am not familiar with UEL, but if the state variables (SVARS) are not output in the .odb file then
the only approach is to write a post-processing program. If you want to use CAE for
postprocessing then you should use the ABAQUS Scripring Interface (either Python or C++) to import
the SVARS data into the .odb file as an FieldOutput object.
Oops. I posted my comment on the wrong blog.
About UEL, as I said, I am not familiar with this subroutine, but browsing through the documentation I've noticed there's an example at the end of:
ABAQUS User Subroutines Reference Manual (v6.6) - >1.1.19 UEL User
subroutine to define an element.
and another one in:
ABAQUS Verification Manual (v6.6) ->4.1.11 UEL
thanks a lot... :)
hi friend... thanks a lot for ur help... :)