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SEM 2017 Abstract Deadline Today (10/31)

Meredith N. Silberstein's picture

Dear Colleagues,

The Time-Dependent Materials Technical Division of the Society of Experimental Mechanics invites you to submit an abstract to Track 2,“Challenges in Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials” at the SEM International Congress & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (Indianapolis, IN, June 12-15, 2017). The submission deadline has been extended to October 31st.

We are soliciting papers involving time (and rate) dependence in all materials, including polymers, metals, biomaterials, granular materials, gels, foams and glasses. Time dependence includes strain rate, creep, stress relaxation or frequency effects. Characterization across length scales is encouraged, including effects of inhomogeneities and interfaces. Experimentally informed constitutive models are welcome as well. 

Please submit your 200 word abstract by the October 31st deadlineWhen doing so, please select Paper Topic “Challenges in the Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials” by selecting the MTDM button.  Please indicate “Silberstein” as session organizer.

Please see the attached flyer for more information. Thanks for your support in advance and we look forward to seeing you again at SEM in 2017.

Sincerely, the TDMTD Committee,

Meredith Silberstein, Cornell University

Alireza Amirkizi, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

Alex Arzoumanidis, Psylotech

Bonnie Antoun, Sandia National Laboratories

Jerry Qi, Georgia Tech

Jevan Furmanski, ExxonMobil

Richard Hall, Air Force Research Laboratory

Yuhang Hu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Hongbing Lu, University of Texas - Dallas

Jonathon Tanks, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Yong Zhu, North Carolina State University

PDF icon SEM_Track 2_TDM_2017.pdf42.62 KB
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