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One PhD Position on “Atomistic Simulations and First-principles Experimental Investigations of Nanomaterials for Energy Harvesting” at Kansas State University

jikembo's picture

Applications are invited for a PhD position in atomistic simulations and first-principles experimental investigations of nanomaterials for energy harvesting in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at University at Buffalo - The State University of New York. Preference will be given to candidates with a master degree. Candidates should possess a strong background in continuum mechanics, coarse-grained simulation, multiscale modeling, molecular dynamics, and computer programming. Prior knowledge and experience of N/MEMS, contact mechanics, electrodynamics and energy harvesting will be advantageous for the position. The position can start as early as Fall of 2018.

Interested candidates are encouraged to send their CV (including GPA/TOEFL/GRE scores), peer reviewed publications and any supplementary materials to Dr. James Chen (

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