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PhD scholarship in Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France

Kostas Danas's picture

One Ph.D. position is now available starting October 2017 on harnessing instabilities in magnetorheological elastomers. The PhD will be pursued in the Solid Mechanics Laboratory of Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France. The potential student will work on the development of new experimental procedures and numerical models for the fabrication and testing of new magnetorheological elastomeric devices that operate in the postbifurcation regime by proper combination of mechanical and magnetic loadings. The PhD involves a strong experimental contribution as well as numerical implementation of magnetoelastic variational principles. 

Students with strong interest in solid mechanics and particularly in coupled problems as well as strong background in mechanics, physics or/and mechanical engineering are encouraged to contact me by email ( They should include a detailed CV with detailed university transcripts, a motivation letter and contact information of at least two references.

More information can be found in the attached document or directly in my webapge:

The PhD is funded by a prestigious European Research Council starting grant. 

PDF icon PhD_Thesis_ERC.pdf792.66 KB


bilelsandel's picture

am intersted for this opportunity

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