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Foundations of Solid Mechanics by Y. C. Fung

Here are the chapter names:

1) Prototypes of the theory of elasticity and viscoelasticity

2) Tensor analysis

3) Stress tensor

4) Analysis of strain

5) Conservation Laws

6) Elastic and plastic behavior of materials

7) Linear elasticity

8) Solutions of problems in elasticity by potentials

9) Two-dimensional problems in elasticity

10) Variational Calculus, energy theorems, saint-venant's principle

11) Hamilton's principle, wave propagation, applications of generalized coordinates 

12) Elasticity and thermodynamics

13) Irreversible thermodynamics and viscoelasticity

14) Thermoelasticity

15) Viscoelasticity

16) Finite deformation


I like this book a lot.  I have not found Timoshenko very helpful so far, though I expect it will be more helpful later in the course.  Fung goes through the tensor formalism, while Timoshenko only has one page on it.

I really like the style and language of the book.  It strikes a good balance between the "formal" and "familiar" style.  There are plenty of figures and they are well done.  The notation used in this book also matches the class notation well, though not perfectly.

My main reason for recommending this book is its readability and clarity.  I also think its difficulty level matches the class better than any other books I have looked at so far.

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