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Minisymposium on Mechanics in Energy Harvesting and Storage - European Solid Mechanics Conference - Bologna (Italy) July 2-6, 2018

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Dear colleagues,

within the 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2018, that will take place in Bologna (Italy) July 2-6, 2018, we are organizing the mini-symposium “Mechanics in Energy Harvesting and Storage” (MS 5-6) - see 

The symposium aims at connecting researchers and facilitate interdisciplinary computational and experimental developments on these fascinating topics. It welcomes formulations and concepts in experimental investigations, theoretical models, multi-physics and multi-scale approaches, simulations. Abstracts are due November 15, 2017. A keynote lecture will be offered by Prof. L. Anand.

We look forward to meeting you in Bologna! 

Alberto Salvadori , University of Brescia (Italy)

Robert McMeeking , University of California, Santa Barbara CA, (USA)

Angelo Simone  , University of Padova (Italy)




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