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PhD position on modeling of additive manufacturing in CEMEF, MINES Paristech, France

PhD position for developing an efficient computational platform for additive manufacturing by multi-scale approach and model reduction technique under the framework of finite element and level-set formulation. The additive manufacturing process that will be considered is the SLM process (Selective Laser Melting) for metals.

The PhD project will be developed in CEMEF laboratory (MINES ParisTech). For the task of model reduction, the research will be in collaboration with Prof. David Ryckelynck from CDM laboratory (Centre des Matériaux - MINES ParisTech) and Dr. Thomas Toulorge in the team of MSM of CEMEF. The corresponding experimental works – for validation purpose – will be performed at CDM by the team of Dr. Christophe Colin, in the framework of the ADDITIVE3D project with the spin-off company Transvalor (Sophia Antipolis).

This PhD opportunity is financially supported in the frame of the “Contrats Doctoraux Ecole” of MINES ParisTech.

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