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Funded post-doc position in Lorient, France

S. Thuillier's picture

The aim of the post-doc is the virtual design by finite element simulation of parts in copper alloys, considering the different steps of drawing, bending , springback and blanking. A mixed experimental-numerical approach is chosen, to develop and validate the virtual design. The aim of the numerical approach is to design the part in a reliable way the process, with an eco-friendly way that minimizes scrap. The scientific challenges concern the numerical prediction of residual stresses at each step, with an accurate model of the mechanical behavior of the materials. Preliminary experimental results were obtained on 2D and 3D springback (twisting) of a U-shaped part, with an original rig developed at IRDL. These results show a strong influence of the material on the final shape. A first step of this study is to perform the numerical simulation of this process (choice of constitutive equations, identification of material parameters, numerical model) to have a better understanding of the reason of this dependence. In a second step, other geometries will be dealt with, aa part of the collaborative project EXPRESSo (

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