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JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships in Japan - 2 years - Deadline 10th August

Ettore Barbieri's picture

Dear Friends,

I am looking for a postdoctoral candidate who wishes to apply for a JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) fellowship.

This fellowship is a highly competitive scheme and includes a generous monthly salary (at the current exchange rate, around 3000 Euro or 3300 $) plus airfare (round-trip ticket to Japan).

I will support the application as a host and will help writing the proposal.
Applicants are allowed to suggest their own project, but preference will be given to candidates with experience and interest in two topics:

  1. mechanobiology of marine organisms
  2. earthquake precursors

If successful in obtaining the fellowship, the candidate will have the opportunity to work and travel with collaborators at Queen Mary University of London and the University of Trento.

If interested, please contact me as soon as possible. 
Also, please, read carefully the eligibility requirements at

Only candidates with PhD awarded after 1st April 2014 are eligible.


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