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Postdoctoral Position Available in United Arab Emirates within the Advanced Digital & Additive Manufacturing (ADAM) Center

Rashid K. Abu Al-Rub's picture

A postdoctoral fellow research position is availabe immediately in the Advanced Digital & Additive Manufacturing (ADAM) center at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates. The research project focuses on design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) with special emphasize on topology-optimization and generative deisgn of multi-functional materials, composites, and structural systems. Applicants who has experience in development of topology-optimization algorithems for optimizing several functionlities (e.g., mechanical, thermal, electircal, acoustic, magnetic, photonic, etc) are encouraged to apply. The ideal candidate mush have a PhD in a relevant discipline (Engineering Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, or other relevant Engineering discipline), and an established track record evident by publications in top quality journals.

Application materials (see attached for more details) must be electronically submitted to Dr. Kamran Khan ( specifiying in the e-mail subject "Postdoctroal-Topology Optimization".

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