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Postdoc position in "experimental graphene-based structural composites" at the University of Texas at Austin

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Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering

Cockrell School of Engineering 



204 E. Dean Keeton Street, C2200 • Austin, Texas 78712 • 512-232-5998 • Fax 512-471-8727


Postdoc Position in “Graphene-Based Composites: Experimental”


A postdoctoral position in “Tailoring the Surface Chemistry of Graphene-Based Composites” is available in Tehrani Group in the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering at UT Austin. The position can start as early as May 2020 and late as Dec. 2020. The appointment will be for one year but can potentially be extended to two years. The required and preferred qualifications for this position are as follows:



·       Acquired a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, or a closely related field before the position start date.

·       Expertise in synthesis, functionalization, processing, and characterization of GN/GO/rGO and their nanocomposites.

·       Familiar with the mechanics of nanocomposites and fibrous composites.



·       Expertise in printing GN-based inks.

·       Expertise in nano, micro, and macro scale mechanical testing of nanocomposites.


Interested applicants should send their CV and a cover letter highlighting how they meet the above qualifications to Please include “Tehrani Group GN-Composite Postdoc” in the subject of your email. 



Mehran Tehrani, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering | Cockrell School of Engineering

The University of Texas at Austin | 512-232-5998 |




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