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Call for Abstracts: Virtual Mach Conference

Stavros Gaitanaros's picture

Please consider submitting an abstract to the Symposium Mechanics and Manufacturing of Architected Materials for the 2021 Virtual Mach Conference which will take place on April 7-9, 2021

The deadline for abstract submission is January 30.

Organizers: Stavros Gaitanaros (JHU), Jamie Guest (JHU), Jochen Mueller (JHU)

Architected materials combine topology and mesoscale morphological features to reach combinations of mechanical, acoustic, and thermal properties that are unattainable by traditional monolithic solids. Material systems such as cellular solids, micro- and nano-lattices, and multi-phase composites, have the potential to transform the way modern engineering structures are designed and manufactured, with applications ranging from space structures and impact mitigation to biomedical implants and energy storage devices. This symposium will discuss the latest advances in architected materials.  Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   - Design algorithms including optimization and machine learning-based technique
   - Novel synthesis techniques for multi-functional architected materials
   - Nonlinear mechanics and failure of architected materials
   - Architected materials under extreme conditions (e.g. impacts, extreme temperatures)

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