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USACM Nanotechnology and Lower Scale Phenomena TTA, Webinar by Dr. Timofey Frolov

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Next USACM Nanotechnology and Lower Scale Phenomena TTA,  webinar is on December, 6 at 2pm central.

Our speaker will be Dr. Timofey Frolov from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, with Prof. Fadi Abdeljawad, Lehigh University as the discussant.
We are hoping the format will promote a lively interactive discussion and engage both junior and senior members of our community.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Date/Time: December 6; 2-3pm CST

Join via Zoom (Meeting ID: 822 5737 6834 / Passcode: 252408)

Speaker: Timofey Frolov, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Discussant: Fadi Abdeljawad, Lehigh University

Title: Atomistic simulations of grain boundary structure and behavior

Grain boundaries greatly influence many properties of engineering materials. Accurate prediction of their structure and possible transitions using atomistic modeling are important for strategies that aim to improve properties of materials. Recent years have seen a rapid growth of evidence suggesting that materials interfaces are capable of first-order structural transformations in which the interface properties undergo discontinuous changes. Experiments have linked these transitions to abnormal grain growth in ceramics, activated sintering and liquid metal embrittlement and raised a number of fundamental questions concerning the atomic structures and kinetic properties of these interface phases. The first part of the talk I will describe the state-of-the-art modeling tools we use to predict grain boundary phases and new methodologies to model grain boundary phase transformations in metallic systems. 
In the second part of the talk, I will focus on our recent massively parallel atomistic simulations of bicrystal deformation performed on scale approaching microns using the cross-scale method.  The scale of these simulations allows to model dynamic evolution of dislocation networks in the presence of grain boundaries with atomic resolution to reveal new details about the nature of their interaction. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.

Talk and discussions will be archived and available on our website after a period of months. You do not have to register to attend.

Please forward to anyone who may be interested.

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