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AIAA 2026 ICME Prize

a12najafi's picture

We are happy to announce the next cycle of bi-annual ICME  (Integrated Computational Materials Engineering)  award established by the AIAA ICME Working Group with the support of Composite Design and Manufacturing HUB (cdmHUB), NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), and Rolls Royce Corporation. This recognition includes recognition at SciTech 2026 conference and a $1,500.00 team award. Furthermore, eachwinning project and project team will be given special consideration for internship or follow-on effort to further realize the benefit of the proposed project with one or more of the sponsoring organizations: cdmHUB, NASA, and/or Rolls-Royce. We encourage all the researchers and thought leaders who are working on computational modeling of materials, multiscale modeling, design optimization, and materials discovery to consider applying for this prestigious award.  Here 2024-2026 ICME Prize Schedule:• Proposed Project Abstracts due to ICME Award Team – Dec 24, 2024o Submit via email to or• Dec 01, 2025 – Final project reports due• SciTech 2026 – Final presentations• SciTech 2026 – Winner selected and announced For more information on the Judging criteria and a more detail RFP, please visit the award website: Award | AIAA  

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