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Abaqus: equally space amplitude


I've been trying to apply a displacement to a body in an implicit model using equally spaced amplitudes.

What I have is a table of displacement data (x,y,z, rx,ry,rz) that I want to apply to a body.  The input file is attached.  I have 184 data points and I am using a fixed interval of 1s, which results in a total time of 184s.  Therefore, I have defined the total step time as t=184s.  I also defined the initial, minimal and maximal increments to be 0.3s, 1e-5s and 0.5s, respectively.  These values are sort of random (I am just trying things out at the moment).  I just made sure that the maximal increment is smaller than my fixed interval. 

For some reason, Abaqus stops the step during which the above displacement should be applied after 0.3s and claims that the simulation has succesfully finished. 0.3s is the initial increment size....

Does anyone know what I would have to do differently to get it to work?


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