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Call for proposals on advanced high strength steel

Ken P. Chong's picture

The Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) of NSF and the DOE Office of Freedom CAR and Vehicle Technologies intend to co-sponsor proposals addressing fundamental research issues in advanced high strength steels (AHSS). Specifically, proposals focused on

  1. AHSS materials development and characterization,
  2. predictive modeling that integrates AHSS material structure and product performance, and
  3. fundamental research in the area of processing and manufacturing of AHSS, are of interest. This collaborative effort is a direct outcome of the Advanced High Strength Steel Workshop.

Interested PIs should consider submitting an unsolicited proposal to the core programs of the CMMI Division namely, (1) Materials Processing & Manufacturing (MPM), (2) Materials Design & Surface Engineering (MDSE), (3) Applications & Structural Mechanics, or (4) Mechanics & Structures of Materials (MSM), during the January 15, 2007 to February 15, 2007 submission window. Unsolicited proposals in response to this letter should have titles beginning with "AHSS:".  Proposals from the March-April 2007 panel review will be eligible for co-funding, pending availability of funds.


Ken P. Chong's picture

The correct link of the workshop is:


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