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Creep strength of 304 stainless steel

jinhenghua's picture

Is there any good reference for creep strength of 304 stainless steel
at 1000C? I am very curious the behavior of such material at extreme
conditions, like creep strength as a function of temp.


Thanks a lot,



Dear All,

I am modeling rubber seal with hyperelastic material and I am using CAX4R Element for modeling. I achieved contact solution using initial analysis and as an output I got contact pressure and radial and axial displacement of the nodes.

Now I want to use this stored displacements as a displacement constraints to the original mesh with no contact pairs as it was in the first analysis. How can I give these stored data of the displacements to the nodes. I want to give the displacement constraints to the nodes which where in the contact with the rigid body in the first case. I cannot input these values one by one as no. of nodes are large. Can I use user subroutin for this? My ultimate gole is to achieve the "Reduce Stiffness Matrix" for the Master degree of Freedom.

I will really appriciate anyone's reply.

Thank you.

Mital Mistry 

RA-Mechanical Engg. Dept.

University of Houston

vh's picture


I did somewhat similar stuff during my PhD work, though my application was for wear modeling. I wrote a C/C++ code to apply the calculated wear displacement as displacement boundary conditionin order to re mesh the geometry after a given increment of sliding. This technique is pretty well known in shape optimization literature and is known as boundary displacement method. You can get a detailed description on what I did from my PhD thesis in Chapter 4.

Assuming that you are using Abaqus, you could technically write a python script to extract the nodal displacements and also to modify the input file to include a "*boundary" card based on the extracted nodal displacement.

V. Hegadekatte, Consultant - Mathematical Modeling, Novelis Inc.

Hey thank you dear Hegadekatte,

I came up with the solution for this problem by writing Python script and it worked. 

And I also achieved reduce stiffness matrix concern to the master degree of freedom using Guyan Reduction Method.


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