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Doctoral candidate position in biomechanics at EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland

Doctoral candidate position in biomechanics at EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland

The laboratory of applied mechanics and reliability analysis (LMAF) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) is looking for one qualified and motivated individual to carry out combined experimental and numerical research on bone remodeling around an activated implant. The project will be conducted under close collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine of University of Geneva. The results of this project will lead to his/her doctoral degree. The candidate should have a Master of Science (or equivalent degree) in mechanical engineering, bioengineering, physics, mechanics of materials or a related field with strong interests and background in computational methods in biomechanics (finite elements, 3D image processing, and constitutive modeling). The candidate must also have excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. The starting date is February 1, 2010.  The conditions of acceptance are those of the EPFL Doctoral School (see ).

Applications and requests for further information should be directed to :
Dr Joël Cugnoni,
CH-1015 Lausanne
joel.cugnoni [AT]

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