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contact problem help in ABAQUS

i am new to Abaqus and i am unsing Abaqus 6.10

i planned to solve a contact problem by taking a bearing for example problem. i modelled the bearing section in pro-e and inmported it to Abaqus.

*i gave the material properties of steel for both ball and races

* in interferance i defined ball as master and the surfaces in the reces in the bearing as slave. frictionless.

* i gave pressure on the top race and arresteed the bottom race.

* the sides were given symentric with respect to y axis.

when solved i get the job is aborted.

the error i get is

=>displacement increment is too large.

=>the increment value is too low

is there a way to solve the contact problem or some tutorials for bearing contact ....

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tuhinsinha.25's picture

There could be so many things going on in your model that could lead to those error messages. The most critical thing in any contact simulation is the part where the contact gets established. First, check the consistancy of the contact normals. Second, look at the detailed job diagnostics and see if there are any numerical singularities. If so, then try constraining the rigid body motions in your model either by applying appropriate boundary conditions or using contact stabilization options given in Abaqus.



before giving axisymetric i tried to solve prblem i got this rigid boy movement error.ifixed the follwing boundary condition

* bttom race fixed

*toprace pressure given

* sides of the rece been axis symetric to y axis

*contact between top raceand ball and ball to bottom race also was given.


Xiaohu Fan's picture

Could you post a picture of your model? Not sure how components of your bearing connect each other.

To model a contact problem, there's one thing you need to keep in mind that before the 'contact' interaction actually is established in Abaqus, the forces for your model should be applied gradually (could take 2 steps or more depending on the complexity of your model). In one of the loading step, a small portion of the total load should be defined only in this step. By doing so, abaqus can set up the contact interaction between desired surfaces steadily. Then you can just modify that load in the previous step to the actual load. Also, make sure no rigid motion is present in the model before contact is established, which may require temporary BCs. In your case i dont if the top race is depending on Contact to rid of rigid motion and if so, better give it temp BC in the small load step. 

That's something i met. Hope that help.

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