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Accelerometer mounting and measurement

Hello all,

I need to mount an accelerometer in the test rig for dynamic measurement (machine condition monitoring). I am using MMF make KD41V accelerometer. The machine has limited space and I have to protect the accelerometer from splashing oil due to continuous lubrication. Due to space constraint, i have came up with a design in which a 25mm long, 25 mm diameter hylam material block is used in between machine face and accelerometer. Hylam material acts as insulator too. My question is, if i use such a long material in between accelerometer and machine face, will it affects the reading? Schematically this is shown in the following figure. Please guide me!

-Anoop A D


Dear Anoop,

Could you provide with information about the elastic constants of hylam material you used? And what is the texture of this material? Is it plastic/wooden/metallic/etc.? If it is relatively rigid, it will not affect the acceleration detected by the accelerometer, otherwise, you have to find the relation between the "input" acceleration at the hylam-machine interface and the "output" acceleration at the hylam-accelerometer interface. 

 Best regards,


George Papazafeiropoulos


Second Lieutenant, Hellenic Air Force

Civil Engineer (M.Sc.), Ph.D. candidate

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