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An infinite whiteboard on the Internet

Zhigang Suo's picture

We mechanicians like to argue over a whiteboard, but we are often too far apart. Skype allows us to phone each other, and Google Doc allows us to write together. Both Skype and Google Doc work over long distance and free of charge. But still, we'd like to sketch a little figure and write a few equations. We miss our whiteboard. is an online whiteboard that allows users to draw, upload image and type text. Multiple users can work over long distances and see each other's charges in real time. It works like a Google Map. When the board gets too crowded, you push it for a white space. It is an infinite whiteboard on the Internet.

The service was created recently by two students at Harvard Business School. Watch this video for a demo, or sign up for a free account to try it out. The service is not perfect, but shows the promise of the future.

Update: Here is a 4 minute video of a much more creative whiteboard. I wonder who is behind the technology.  Is it real?

Arun K. Subramaniyan's picture

This is a very interesting idea. Thanks for pointing us to the website. It will be useful once they give individual users their own whiteboard (which is being worked on currently).

Julian J. Rimoli's picture

The second video is very interesting to me, but I must admit that the digital drawing board is nothing else than a compendium of existing technologies:

1)      The board looks like huge tablet PC

2)      Shape recognition technologies are already available

3)      I’m pretty sure that the simulation software is ‘Working Model 2D’

Thus, the demo is just an interface between shape recognition software and ‘Working Model 2d-like’ software. It doesn’t make the product less valuable or innovative, but I think I had to mention it.


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