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Defect mechanics

On structured surfaces with defects: geometry, strain incompatibility, internal stress, and natural shapes

Given a distribution of defects on a structured surface, such as those represented by 2-dimensional crystalline materials, liquid crystalline surfaces, and thin sandwiched shells, what is the resulting stress field and the deformed shape? Motivated by this concern, we first classify, and quantify, the translational, rotational, and metrical defects allowable over a broad class of structured surfaces. With an appropriate notion of strain, the defect densities are then shown to appear as sources of strain incompatibility.

Cai Shengqiang's picture

Symposium on New Developments in Defect Mechanics - a unique intellectual event

Faculty from Caltech, UC Berkeley , University of Michigan, Georgia Tech, Brown University, University of Calgary, University of Pennsylvania, UCLA, Johns Hopkins University, Imperial College, London, and UCSD and researchers from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories congregated to UCSD  on January 18-19, 2014 to attend the third in a series of symposia on Multiscale Dislocation Dynamics and to honor Professor Michael Ortiz  on his 60th birthday. Faculty also brought their graduate students and postdocs to engage in such a powerful intellectual activity.

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