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Xudong Liang's blog

Shape Bifurcation of a Spherical Dielectric Elastomer Balloon under the Actions of Internal Pressure and Electric Voltage

Under the actions of internal pressure and electric voltage, a spherical dielectric elastomer balloon usually keeps a sphere during its deformation, which has also been assumed in many previous studies. In this article, using linear perturbation analysis, we demonstrate that a spherical dielectric elastomer balloon may bifurcate to a nonspherical shape under certain electromechanical loading conditions.

Gravity induced crease-to-wrinkle transition in soft materials

Creasing and wrinkling instability are two distinct surface instability modes characterized by localized singular folds and continuous smooth undulations, respectively. In this article, we show that the surface of a soft elastomer may develop wrinkles or creases under compression and the action of gravitational force, depending on the magnitude of gravitational force.

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