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18th USNCCM 2025 Mini-Symposium: Modern Computational Methods in Soft Matter Mechanics

There will be a mini-symposium titled “Modern Computational Methods in Soft Matter Mechanics " as part of 18th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM 2025) in Chicago (July 20-24, 2025). This mini-symposium focuses on modern methods at the intersections of computational sciences and soft matter mechanics, construed broadly. 

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35th Robert J. Melosh Medal Competition Results

The Melosh Symposium took place last week on the campus of Duke University. The names of the four successful applicants that made it to the final stage and their current institutions are:

Prajwal Kammardi Arunachala, Stanford University

Mario de Lucio – Purdue University

Hendrik Geisler – University Hannover

Tianyi Hu – Purdue University

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PhD Positions at the Duke University (Salahshoor Research Group)

We invite applications for multiple PhD openings in the Salahshoor Research Group ( at the Duke University. We are building a team of exceptional researchers who are driven by passion and curiosity and are excited by fundamental questions about physics of solids. Our lab operates at the intersection of mechanics, data science, material science and biology, and applied mathematics. Current areas of interest include:

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PhD Positions at the Duke University (Salahshoor Research Group)

We invite applications for multiple PhD openings in the Salahshoor Research Group ( at the Duke University. We are building a team of exceptional researchers who are driven by passion and curiosity and are excited by fundamental questions about physics of solids. Our lab operates at the intersection of mechanics, data science, material science and biology, and applied mathematics. Current areas of interest include:

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