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bazant's blog

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Postdoc in fracture and advanced inter-disciplinary solid mechanics at Northwestern University, Evanston, working with Professor Zdenek P. Bazant

The postdoctoral fellow will work principally but not exclusively on a DoE funded multi-university project aimed at solving a variety of problems of CO2 sequestration in deep geologic formations. It will involve prediction of growth of hydraulic fracture network in porous rock, poromechanical stress transfer due to fluid diffusion, osmotic pressure gradients, and chemically expanding inclusions. Ramifications to various fracture problems of concrete, fiber composite structures and shale strata, supported by NSF, may be pursued.

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*Closed* Postdoc Opportunity at Nortwestern University

Prof. Zdenek P. Bazant seeks a postdoctoral
associate to conduct research on some of his sponsored projects. They
deal with the mechanics and nano-mechanics of quasibrittle failure of
fiber composites, concrete
and geomaterials, including probabilistic strength and lifetime. Others
deal with creep and chemo-mechanical effects in concrete structures and
their nano-mechanical origin. To apply, send a CV to Robert Lenon

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Objective Stress Rates in Finite Strain of Inelastic Solid and Their Energy Consistency

In many practical problems of solid mechanics, it is sufficient to characterize material deformation by the small (or linearized) strain tensor. But there are also many problems where the finiteness of strain must be taken into account.

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