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Lixiang Yang's blog

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Insight On Plasticity, Ultrasonic Bonding, and Defect Movements

Physics of ultrasonic welding process is considered to be an inverse process of

shear band formation. Details can be seen in the paper.

Lixiang Yang's picture

Revisit initiation of localized plastic deformation: Shear band & necking

Hello Dear All,

    Thanks to Extreme Mechanics Letter, a new discusion of localized plastic deformation was published there. Three outlines of our work are:

      1. A new dislocation based consitutive model is built. It has a concise mathematical struture.

      2. Heat generated by plastic energy can be calculated by a mechanical version of Joule's law.

      3. Shear band and neck locations can be predicted by the mathematical model.

Lixiang Yang's picture

Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury and its Prevention

Theory of physical aging from polymer science is, for the first time, introduced to understand ACL injury and its prevention. By analogy to physical aging of amorphous polymer materials, we think physical aging of two bundles of ACL will largely increase risk of ACL injury. Besides, physical aging will also build a heterogeneous stress and strain in ACL due to its natural anatomic structure, which is a large risk for athletes. The specific designed prevention programs for ACL injury such as plyometrics, strengthening and other neuromuscular training exercises [1] are believed to erase physical aging of ACL. ACL with less physical aging is less likely to get injured in sport activities. In this article, a virtual physical aging simulation is built to validate current hypothesis. Erasing physical aging of ACL may provide an accurate and quantitative way to prevent ACL injury.

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