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Buckling of an elastically restrained column

How to find a response for a pinned-(pinned+ torsion spring) column with sinusoidal axial load?

I am unable to decouple the equations in space and time using variable separable method, with one end pinned-other end pinned with torsion spring as boundary conditions.

Can anyone please help.

Good day.



rajnishmallick's picture

Dynamic buckling

I am working on a dynamic post-buckling problem.

I wonder if it is possible to simulate dynamic post-buckling of a column with pinned-pinned boundary conditions with an time varying (sinusoidal) axial load in Abaqus.


Good day.

Best Regards,


rajnishmallick's picture


It is known that the if the coloumn is long and slender enough, then under axial compressive loading, the column buckles..

But i am wonder, why buckling happens at all?

Can anyone put a light on this.



rajnishmallick's picture

Non-linear buckling


I solved the mode shape of the clamped-pinned boundary conditions, a undefined parameter, 'c' is appearing in the mode shape of the coloumn.

Query:1)  Could anyone would like to discuss on this undefined parameter, 'c'. it is critical to define the final modeshape of the column.


Non-linear buckling.

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