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oreste.bursi's blog

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PhD call: B2 – Metamaterials and metasurfaces for space applications

The University of Trento opens the second call for applications for the admission to the 39th Cycle (Academic Year 2023/2024) of the Doctoral Programme in “Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering” as follows: Deadline for application: September 4th, 2023, hrs. 4.00 PM (Italian time, GMT +2). 

The selection foresees some short online test starting from the 11 September 2023.

oreste.bursi's picture

PhD call - Innovative metamaterials and metastructures for risk reduction and fitness for service of special risk industrial plants

The University of Trento opens the second call for applications for the admission to the 39th Cycle (Academic Year 2023/2024) of the Doctoral Programme in “Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering” as follows: Deadline for application: September 4th, 2023, hrs. 4.00 PM (Italian time, GMT +2)

It is announced on the UniTrento website:  

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PhD position in metamaterials and metasurfaces for space applications

The University of Trento opens the first call for applications for the admission to the 39th Cycle (Academic Year 2023/2024) of the Doctoral Programme in “Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering” as follows: Deadline for application: May 10th, 2023, hrs. 4.00 PM (Italian time, GMT +2)

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PhD Position - Innovative metamaterials for vibration mitigation. Analysis and risk assessment of petrochemical tank farms. Dynamic analysis based on Gaussian process regression - Deadline for application: 23/07/2020

We are looking for strongly motivated PhD candidates that are interested to work on the following topic at the University of Trento (Italy): 

Innovative metamaterials for vibration mitigation. Analysis and risk assessment of petrochemical tank farms.  Dynamic analysis based on Gaussian process regression (see attachment for more information)

Interested candidates can apply at the following link

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3 PhD positions at the University of Trento

There are three PhD fellowships available in PhD Programme of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering (University of Trento) on the following topics:

1 Design, simulation and testing of smart metamaterials/metastructures for vibration mitigation of civil/mechanical systems

2 Modelling and simulation of novel opto-acoustic sensors for monitoring crack growth in pressure vessel steels

3 Laser-Beam Cutting Modeling and Testing For Improved Quality and High-Demanding Structural Applications


The deadline is 29 August 2017 at 4 pm CET.


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1 Marie Curie Ph.D. positions at Columbian Carbon Europa/Politecnico di Torino

In the framework of XP-Resilience, an inter/multi-disciplinary EU ITN programme including seven academic partners, one Institute of Applied Science and seven private companies from ten different European countries (see our previous post for further details), Columbian Carbon Europa (CCE) ( will recruit an ESR (Early-Stage Researcher), with enrolment in the PhD Programme in “Civil and Environmental Engineering” at Politecnico di Torino (POLITO).

oreste.bursi's picture

4 Marie Curie Ph.D. positions at University of Trento within XP-Resilience

XP-RESILIENCE is an inter/multi-disciplinary programme including seven academic

partners, one Institute of Applied Science and seven private companies from ten different

European countries. XP-RESILIENCE intends to establish a network of individual research

projects working towards Advanced Modelling and Protection –via metamaterial-based

isolators/layouts- of Complex Engineering Systems for Disaster Reduction and Resilient



The objective of XP-RESILIENCE is to train researchers combining a robust academic

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