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Xue Feng's blog

ICTAM2012 Updates: Online application for Support Grants is now open

Dear Colleagues, We’re pleased to announce that the online
application for the Congress Support Grants is available now. For further
instructions on how to apply for the support, please visit


Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Bending of Inorganic Electronic Materials on Plastic Substrates

In this paper, we report comprehensive experimental and theoretical
studies of bending in structures relevant to inorganic flexible electronics.
Different from previous mechanics models of related systems, our analysis does not
assume the thin film to cover the entire substrate, thereby explicitly
accounting for effects of edges and finite device sizes, both of which play
critically important roles in the mechanics and bending properties. These
thin-film islands give nonuniform stress, with maxima that often appear at the
edges and spatially non-uniform shear and normal stresses along the film/substrate
interface. Although these results are generally applicable to all classes of

Deformation and Fracture of Functional Ferromagetics

Prof.D.N. Fang and his collaborators (Prof. Y.P. Wan, Prof. X. Feng and Prof. A.K. Soh) work on the functional materials, such as ferroelectric and ferromagnetic materials. Recently, he published a review article which presents an overview of recent progress on magnetomechanical deformation and fracture of ferromagnetic materials.

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