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Eloy Villanueva's blog

Where to get software to make a screen cast

First of all, you might ask what is a screen cast? Well a screen cast is a video of your computer screen. Below is an example of what a screen cast is.  


What's wrong with the way we learn Applied Mechanics?

I was reading professor Zhigang Suo's post titled "What's Wrong with Applied Mechanics", thinking about the large amount of knowledge available. There are so many applications of mechanics that they seem endless in any subfield that one can think of. It made me recall some homework problems that wanted to include real life applications. However, real life applications tend to turn out much more complicated than what can be covered in one homework problem.

How do I resize my window for easier reading?

The Drupal software we use for iMechanica makes the blog posts very wide. It may be a little uncomfortable to read from the far left of the window to the far right. With a window so wide, it's easy to lose your place in the reading in moving to the next line of text.

Prototype for a journal in iMechanica

Hi fellow mechanicians,

Professor Suo and I have devised a model for creating a journal on iMechanica. It is a simple model which doesn’t require installing any additional modules or features.

new moderator

hi everyone,

I'm a student at Harvard University working with Professur Zhigang Suo to develop iMechanica. I hope to add features to this website that will keep your research and ideas protected while encouraging the flow of communication and great ideas among the brightest minds in the sciences. If you have any ideas, comments, or suggestions please let me know. We hope you enjoy iMechanica.

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